By Maquis Leader
Rated R
Author’s note: I really hated Jaffen… and so did Chakotay…
“What the hell are you doing?”
“Packing Kathryn’s clothes.” Chakotay looked up as Jaffen entered the bedroom. “I’m not sure she’ll want these things, but you know how women are.”
“How did you get in here?” Jaffen wasn’t happy to come home from a long days work to find Kathryn’s friend in his apartment.
“Transporter.” Chakotay shrugged. “Handy device. Too bad nobody out here in the Delta Quadrant has come up with it yet.”
“I’ve tried to contact Kathryn several times. I keep getting the runaround.”
“I’m afraid Quarren’s authorities have decided to limit contact between Voyager’s crew and indigenous personnel.”
“Indigenous personnel? I’m her fiancé!”
“The crew is getting their memories back and they’re not interested in contact.” Chakotay held up a pair of white cotton panties. “Hmm… little tamer than her usual style.” He grinned. “I prefer black – sets off her white skin. But then I guess she wasn’t really herself here was she?”
“You’re one of her crew?” Jaffen seethed at the thought of this man seeing Kathryn in her underwear. Or less. “Her first officer?”
“Among other things.” He finished emptying the drawers and zipped the duffle bag shut.
Jaffen stepped in front of Chakotay as he started to walk out. " Just what is that supposed to mean? "
Chakotay smiled slowly, letting his eyes convey the message.
" Kathryn and I are… lovers. " He said the word salaciously, projecting the image of sweaty bodies locked in a passionate embrace. " We have been for years. "
Jaffen shook his head. "I would think there'd be rules against a superior officer –“
" There are. We decided to ignore them. We were on a 70 year journey, after all." Chakotay stepped past him into the small bathroom. Looking over the different bottles and vials he started packing up any that looked feminine. " The first two years we kept our distance. Then we spent months alone on a beautiful planet. By the time Voyager came back for us – well, there was no going back for us. "
" I don't believe you. " He didn't want to believe him.
" That first night in the bar, she was instantly attracted to me. She didn't remember me and I was disguised, but she wanted me with her. She invited me to dinner, remember? "
Dinner with the two of us.
She was being polite. " Jaffen defended. " She's very friendly. "
" Later that night she saw me again and invited me to have a drink. If I hadn't needed to hide, I’d have taken her up on it. " Chakotay grinned again. " It might have been like the games we play on shore leave sometimes. You know, ‘what's a nice alien like you doing in a bar like this?’ "
Jaffen’s stomach roiled at the thought of his Kathryn playing such a ‘game’. "She knew you somehow. The same as she knew B'Elanna and Tom Paris. " He didn't want to think of Kathryn and this man having such a strong sexual attraction that even brainwashing couldn’t stop it. " She must've just sensed somehow that she knew you. "
" True. " Chakotay admitted. " But she risked herself to get the regenerator to heal my wound. "
" Kathryn's that way, she'll do anything for a friend. "
" Yes she would. " Closing the small bag of cosmetics, he tucked it into the duffel bag. " After she healed my arm, I removed my disguise and told her who she was. She called to tell you she had some things to pack and would be a while, remember? "
" I remember, she didn't want me to worry about her. " Jaffen felt a chill at the direction this was heading.
" She didn't what you to come looking for her. " Chakotay shouldered past Jaffen and went into the main room. " We made love before she went back to you. "
" I don't believe you! " He grabbed Chakotay’s arm.
" She has freckles scattered across her breasts. " He smiled at the other man's stricken expression. " There’s a small scar on her bottom. On the – " Closing his eyes he pretended to curve his hand around something. " On the left cheek. "
Staggering back, Jaffen sat down on the couch. He'd seen those freckles and the scar on her bottom.
Chakotay almost felt bad about the lies he was telling. Almost. " There were sparks from the moment we met. " There was no need for Jaffen to know he'd seen the freckles when she was wearing a swimsuit or that the scar was from an injury on an away mission that he'd treated the best he’d been able without a med kit. Kathryn had the Doctor leave the small scar, laughingly calling it her ‘war wound’.
" You expect me to believe she met you and went to bed with you in the same day? That you have some attraction that strong? "
" Love Jaffen. We have a love that strong. " He corrected. " You're the one who turned me in, not her. She helped me no questions asked. You shouldn't be surprised. Kathryn is a very loving and passionate woman. After all, didn’t she move in with you after a few weeks? "
Putting his head in his hands, Jaffen tried to push away the image of his Kathryn with this arrogant man.
" I don't want Kathryn hurt. " That was no lie.
" I'd never hurt her. " Jaffen whispered, his own heart breaking.
" She’s feeling guilty about cheating on me. I've tried to make sure she knows I understand and I'm not angry about her little affair with you. "
“Affair? We were in love! I wanted to marry her! "
" She was brainwashed. Probably programmed to settle down with someone. " Chakotay looked down at Jaffen. " Someone like you. And be a happy, productive worker. "
" She was genuinely happy with me! "
" If you really knew her, you’d know there's no way she could ever be happy here doing this. " He picked up a mechanical part of some kind and sneered. " Factory work? She's a scientist at heart. She loves our journey, all the things no other human has ever seen. " He set the piece back down and wiped his hands as if they were dirty.
This man intimidated him, towering over him in his red and black uniform. The black eyes cut through him, dismissing him as unimportant – the smug smile as he described Kathryn's body in intimate detail. Jaffen stood up and walked to the windows. He'd done a stint in the military and knew officers ruled with the force of their will. Chakotay was a strong obviously aggressive man. What was Kathryn really like to be this man’s superior officer?
" She’s feeling a bit guilty about messing up your life. Kathryn knows your feelings are real even if hers weren’t. "
" They were real for her too, no matter what you want to believe! "
" Jaffen, I'm sorry. Kathryn's
told me – she's shown me how
sorry she is for hurting me. "
Chakotay smiled smugly. " And I've forgiven her. Several times. "
" I want to
talk to Kathryn. " It was
weak, one last protest.
" You will. She's thinking about
asking you to
come aboard Voyager
because she feels
so guilty about
what she's done
to you. " Chakotay hefted the bag to his shoulder. " That would
be uncomfortable and
would only hurt
her in the long run."
The two men stood
eye to eye for several moments
before Jaffen lowered his gaze to the floor.
Chakotay stood there looking down at Jaffen’s bent neck
before tapping his
combadge. "
Chakotay to Voyager. "
" Aye, sir. Kathryn's waiting for
you. "
Jaffen watched the other man sparkle
out of existence.
Stepping off the transporter
pad, Chakotay
made his way to the cargo bay and stored the duffle bag next to
his stash of cider. If she asked, he'd give it to her. Otherwise he’d eventually
space the stuff.
Part of him felt sorry for Jaffen. He knew
what it was like to fall under Kathryn Janeway’s spell. However, the jealous part that had made him
destroy any hope the man had of a future with Kathryn on Voyager didn’t feel
the least bit sorry. When her memory
returned, guilt or maybe even a lingering fondness might prompt her to ask him
to leave Quarra and come with them. “Sorry, Jaffen, I just can’t take the
Heading back to the bridge, he checked the reports on the repairs and the crew's
status. Tuvok
was back at his console.
The Vulcan had recovered quickly, fighting the
brainwashing procedure from the very beginning.
From the Doctor's reports about a third of the crew was back on duty. For some the recovery had been
quick, sometimes within
a day, and for others there was little
progress. The
more programming that
had to be done to ensure a contented worker, the longer
the recovery time was
in the Doctor's
Turning the bridge over to Tuvok, Chakotay stopped at
the OPS console.
" Harry,
I'm sure I should reprimand you for
improper procedure.
" Yes sir. "
The younger man
" And I'm sure I shouldn’t thank
you for it. "
" Good night, Harry. " Chakotay moved to
the turbo lift
" Sir, she
is waiting for you. " He bit his lip to keep from smiling as the Commander turned back
to him. " She’s checked in
several times to
see if you'd returned from your
meeting with Quarra’s officials. "
There was a gleam
in Harry's eye.
He knew exactly
where his commanding
officer had been
and why. He also knew that it had been
Chakotay and not
the Quarren government that ordered there
be no contact
between the crew
and the locals they
had met there. In his opinion, the Captain belonged with the
Commander and if
he had to help cover for him, then so be it.
" Understood, Harry. " Smiling, Chakotay got into the lift. " Tell her I’m
on my way, would you? "
Stopping by his quarters, Chakotay changed
into more casual clothes. He hesitated for a moment before putting on
his old leather
pants and the
white shirt he’d worn so often on New Earth. The one she kept stealing to
sleep in. It was a game with them. He'd have to steal it back to wear it and when she washed it she’d put it in her
with her clothes. Not that he minded smelling
like her when
he got it back.
Her door opened on the first chime. Stepping
inside, he found Kathryn sitting
on the sofa staring out at the stars. Another order he’d
given was to place the planet on
the other side
of Voyager as
she orbited.
Good call,
old man.
" Hi. " She put down the PADD she was
reading. "
So, how'd it
go? "
" Very well. I'd call it a successful mission. " He handed
her the rose he'd replicated for
" It’s beautiful, thank you. " She held it to her nose, breathing
in the sweet scent.
" They’re your favorite. " He sat down next to her.
" I noticed. I have a rose perfume, rose bath soap, even rose lotion! " She
" That’s why you always smell so good. " He leaned closer. " I like it. "
" If only everything was that easy to figure out. " She tossed the PADD on
the table. " I'm reading
about things that
I wrote – but
I don't understand
any of it. Shield frequencies? Plasma clouds? Might as well be in Greek! "
" It’ll come back. " A soft
laugh rumbled through him. “I think you may know Greek.”
" I don't know
if I want it to come back.
Some of the things I've read – the
Hirogen, the
Borg? "
She leaned into
him. " It all sounds so awful. "
" There’ve been bad times, but plenty of good ones as well. " Chakotay
slid his arm around her shoulder
and pulled her
closer. "
Tom and B'Elanna
getting married.
Naomi being born. "
" Meeting you. " She snuggled
her face into
the curve of his neck. When he stiffened
against her,
she pulled back
and looked into
his face. " What, you
don't believe me? "
" Here, look for yourself. " Kathryn picked up the PADD again.
" No. " He took it from her and put it back on the table. " That would get me in trouble when you get your memory back. "
" I didn't think
you’d read it.
Not from what
I've read about
you. "
" Now you're making me curious. Is there a lot on me in there? "
Maybe he should have
taken a quick
" Quite a bit. " She rested against him
once again. " Why don't you
tell me about
us? "
" There is no us. " Surely she had to know that from reading her
" Kathryn, we
care for each
other. Protocol
won’t allow us to
– there is no
us. " He tried to ignore her hand stroking
his chest. " Your choice, not mine. "
" Why would I want a life with
no husband? No children? "
" I figure you’ll cave in eventually. " He tried to make it sound like he wasn't bitter.
He closed his eyes. How many times had he longed to hear those words? Why now? " Yes. "
She was quiet for
a long time. From reading the Captain's personal logs she knew that she loved Chakotay. She’d
read many entries
about how she
wanted him. But did he know that? " Do I love
you? "
" I don't know. " He rested his face against her hair. " I know you care for me. But I don't know how much. I hope and need to believe that you
love me. "
" Have we kissed? " She already knew the answer from her logs.
" No, not really. A kiss on the cheek sometimes. "
He laughed suddenly. " Not unless you want to count mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. "
" Doesn’t sound very romantic. "
She sat up, facing him. " Kiss me.
" Kathryn, this
isn't fair.”
Chakotay groaned. His chest hurt so bad he could hardly breathe. "
I won't take advantage of the
situation and have
you hate me for it when you remember everything. "
" Chakotay, when I remember everything, I’ll remember
this as well. I promise I won't be angry. " She
cupped his face in
her hands. " I don't remember your rules
or why we shouldn't love each
other. One kiss before I know enough to say no. Before I'm stupid
enough to lock
my love away again.”
Carefully, Chakotay pulled her mouth down to his. He kissed her slowly
putting all the
feelings he'd held
back for so long into it. Exploring her
mouth with his
tongue thoroughly but
not aggressively,
swirling and dancing
around hers until
he coaxed it into his own mouth. Every trick he’d ever learned he used on her. If this was his one kiss, he wasn't going to waste it. He’d remember it
forever and by the Spirits so would
Kathryn felt like she
was drowning.
From the moment
their lips met
a firestorm started
inside of her. He nibbled, licked, and sucked
at her until she thought she'd
lose her mind. When he finally pulled back, leaving her with several small
quick kisses,
she sighed. " I've never
been kissed like
that. "
" How do you know? " He teased.
" Even if I don't
remember everything. " She raised her mouth
to his again. " I know. "
This time he let
her feel the passion and lust
within him.
His tongue plunged in
and out of her mouth mimicking the
act of sex. Pushing her back, he moved his body onto hers
and ground his hips into her so she could feel how much he wanted her.
If the first kiss had been fire, this was lightning. Eagerly she took
his tongue into
her mouth sucking
on it. His moans excited her
sending the lightning careening through her. When he pushed her onto her back, she
spread her legs welcoming his weight on top of her and the hardness thrusting
against her.
Chakotay came to his senses when her hands slid down his back to rest
on his buttocks. She was pulling him
down onto her as she pushed up into him. “Stop, Kathryn, we have to stop.”
Gasping, he pushed up off of her.
“No, I don’t want to stop.” She’d been close to climaxing with him
rubbing against her.
“You’ll hate me, Kathryn.” His black velvet eyes were full of fear and
longing. “You’ll remember and you’ll
hate me.”
Pulling him back down, she cradled his head on her breasts. " I'm sorry, Chakotay. I promise I won't be angry with you. " She stroked
his shoulders and
back until he relaxed. " I don't know this other woman that
I am, but I intend to
have a long talk with her. "
" Tell her I love her. " He whispered
into her neck. " Tell her
not to throw me in the brig while you’re at it.”
" I will.
Maybe I can get her to tell you that she loves you. " From her
logs she knew
she wanted badly
to be with him but couldn't
have him. Well why not? How can it help these people for her to become a miserable dried up
old woman? So desperate she
jumps the first
alien man who
smiles at her. She'd known she was moving too fast with Jaffen but something inside kept
urging her to
take the chance. Now she knew why.
Chakotay’s weight was heavy and she shifted to get more comfortable.
No doubt there
was a rule against letting your
first officer fall
asleep on top
of you. Too bad. He was tired and it felt good. If the Captain didn’t
like it, she
could just show
up and say so.
In the logs she’d
read countless entries about Chakotay. How he looked on a certain day, if she was happy or angry with him, how tempted she'd been to kiss him and tell him she loved him so many times. And there were more sexual fantasies
than she could
count, as if writing down the
lustful thoughts helped
to keep her from acting on them. It was heartbreaking,
especially when it was herself she was reading about.
" There’s going to be some changes around here, Chakotay, you can count on that. "
Somewhere during the night they shifted
until he was
lying on his back
with her sprawled
across his chest. Chakotay opened
his eyes to find Kathryn tracing
his tattoo with
her fingers.
" Good morning. " Not the worst way he’d ever woken up.
" Good morning. " She smiled
" I dreamed
of you, you know. "
He'd had some pretty
racy dreams about
her, too. And protocol hadn't
been invited.
" Did you now? "
" I kept dreaming of a man with brown eyes and black hair. I couldn't see his face, that always bothered me. " Her fingers slid
through his raven
hair. "
I would get
close, but he
backed away.
Jaffen told me
it was just a bad dream. I think he thought it was about him. "
" Jaffen had brown hair and his eyes were…” She had to stop and think about
it. “Blue. And there was always this feeling, a hum almost.
Now that I'm here, I know it's the ship. I can feel it. "
" Voyager has a pulse, all ships do. " He smiled at her. " You can
practically tell me
what speed were
at. Even blindfolded, I'll
bet you’d know
if we dropped
out of warp. "
" I
know. "
She kissed him
gently. "
So why is the warp
core offline?
" Repairs.
We took a lot of damage. Luckily the – " He searched
her eyes. "Kathryn?
Captain? "
" Yes.
" Her memories
had rushed back
somewhere during the
night. Just when she was feeling the most
safe and content. He tried to sit up but she held him down. " I said there'd be changes, Chakotay.”
Another soft kiss. “This is the first one. "
The Finale: Let's Blow This Popsicle Stand
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