My other obsessions… Ye olde standard disclaimer: I don't own Starsky & Hutch or Riggs & Murtaugh or the casts of Third Watch or Iron Man or the Avengers or NCIS ~ tho I'd sell my firstborn to own Starsky, Riggs, Bosco, or Tony, or the other Tony – if you're selling! I make absolutely no money from my fanfic, and actually spend more on this hobby that I care to admit. Happy now? ![]() Starsky & Hutch was my first love, my first steps into fandom and the craziness of it all. My first fanfic stories were written in junior high and high school, way back in the late ‘70’s and they’ve long since been tossed. That’s both to the good and the bad. Since the release of the season 1 and 2 DVDs, I’ve rediscovered my love for the boys. Especially for Starsky… something about that boyish charm… Thanks for the nominations at the Bay City Library and the award for Best New Fanfic Writer of 2004! ![]() ![]() Growing Old Friends ~ 5/6/04 Rated R or light NC17 for language The story is set in the present day with an older S&H, and helped me to catch up with what they've been doing for the past 25 years. And it answered at least one question for me.
Goodbye Yellowbrick Road ~ 6/21/04 Rated R or light NC17 for language and sexual situations Someone is leading runaways down a path that doesn’t lead to the Emerald City, and the boys are there to put a stop to it.
Shell Game ~ 8/29/04 NC17 for language and sexual situations Truth is always a delusion.
It's My Party, And I'll Cry If I Want To ~ 8/30/04 PG It isn't old age that's making Hutch dread his birthday.
Twist 'n Turn ~ 9/19/04 PG Righty tighty, lefty loosey?
A Time To Heal ~ 10/2/04 R Funny how you can know another person better than you know yourself, and find there's still a lot about them you don't know.
The Hard Stop ~ 10/10/04 R It isn't the fall, it's waiting to cushion that hard stop at the end.
The Picture In His Pocket ~ 12/5/04 PG Hutch is given a surprising piece of Starsky's past.
Rebuilding The Future With The Past ~ 12/27/04 R The boys have picked up the fragments of their lives and moved on after Starsky was shot, but an important piece was left behind.
A Time To Grow ~ 1/23/05 R ~ Companion story to A Time To Heal What brings a person to the place in the road that begins the rest of their life?
Starsky's apartment on Ridgeway Avenue A screen cap walk through of Starsky's apartment on 2000 Ridgeway Avenue.
![]() Third Watch is my newest addiction and Bosco and Faith are my modern day Starsky & Hutch. I'm not a Bosco/Faith shipper but the edge of that cliff isn't too far off. Okay... so I fell over that cliff... I'm a B/F shipper after her divorce from Fred and a friendship only B&F fan before the divorce. So What Did You Do Today? ~ 12/5/04 Rated R Bosco's in the hospital, but he's not out of the loop. The Ties That Kill ~ 1/6/05 Rated R ~ Follow up story to So What Did You Do Today? Bosco and Ty discover that there's not anywhere near six degrees of separation between them and CT Finney. But For Luck... ~ 3/3/05 Rated R Sometimes the only thing that separates two people is a shade or two of luck. Meeting Uncle Bos ~ 3/3/05 Rated R Bosco's the child Faith never wanted. Small Talk ~ 3/30/05 Rated PG Two cops walk into a bar... Odd Man Out ~ 4/23/05 Rated R to light NC17 Two's company – three wasn't in the plans. Double Exposure ~ 5/7/05 Rated NC17 Can the camera expose the person kept hidden away? The Fault Lies In Truth ~ 5/14/05 Rated R Bosco gets to the heart of who's really at fault for things. Best Laid Plans ~ 5/17/05 Rated NC17 You can plot and plan, but in the end, it's best to go with the flow. Accession ~ 5/27/05 Rated NC17 Can broken parts be reassembled to form a stronger whole? Taking The Chance ~ 6/11/05 Rated PG13 Do you want to be safe and good, or do you want to take the chance and be great? The Spound Of Comfortable ~ 9/5/05 Rated R Faith muses on the most important lesson in her life. Thinking On The Crime ~ 10/1/05 Rated PG13 Trying to recover from his wounds, Bosco finds himself with the rest of his life in his hands. See Yourself ~ 10/22/05 Rated R Age and experience bring wisdom, and the ability to see ourselves in the mistakes of others. Respectable Fears ~ 10/29/05 Rated R Bosco's got a lot in common with Rodney Dangerfield. That Was Then... This Is Now... ~ 3/19/06 Rated R History is given to the victors to rewrite. First Day Home ~ 4/16/06 Rated NC17 Everybody's curious about Bosco's first day back on the job, and what they can do to make it memorable. If Heaven Was A Tear ~ 2/11/07 Rated R After bidding farewell to Camelot, Bosco and Faith find a new place for their friendship. Be This Way ~ 6/10/08 Rated PG ~ Follow up story to If Heaven Was A Tear Faith has a revealing heart-to-heart talk with Bosco. ![]()
![]() Iron Man After watching the two Iron Man movies, I fell hard for Tony Stark. And why not? He's a genius and sexy as hell. One Time Tony Was In A Video With His Clothes Off ~ 6/17/10 Rated R for language "I can't tell you how refreshing it is to finally see you in a video with your clothes on, sir." This is one of those other times.
Clueless ~ 6/25/10 Rated R for language There's no describing this crack fic that was in reponse to a pair of challenges in RDJverse. It was supposed to be in first person pov from the killer's pov. Only... I misread the challenge instructions and thought I had to write how Tony and some of his party guests figured out who the killer was. Oops! The first scene is in third person and the last scene is in first person from the killer's pov. This fic bears no resemblance to any canon, btw. Tony/Pepper
RDJverse Challenge Entries ~ updated 7/27/10 Some three sentence fics, haiku, and graphics done for different challenges in RDJverse. Be kind...
Nostalgia ~ 7/11/10 Rated PG A simple scent can bring back memories.
As Dirty As You Like It ~ 7/27/10 Rated NC17 Tony follows Natalie's advice to do whatever he wants with whoever he wants. Tony/Natasha
Legacy ~ 11/25/10 Rated PG Our children judge us on what we leave behind.
Those Shoes ~ 12/18/10 Rated NC17 Tony loves Pepper's shoes. Tony/Pepper
Job Description ~ 9/10/12 Rated G How do you take care of Tony Stark? Tony/Pepper
Living Light ~ 9/9/12 Rated PG A SHIELD agent never has much to pack, except the things in their heart. Clint Barton/Phil Coulson
The Coulson Variable ~ 10/28/12 Rated NC17 There are some things that even the most careful planning can't prepare you for. Clint Barton/Phil Coulson
Something Else Happened ~ 11/11/12 Rated NC17 After leaving the Roxxon station, Phil is too keyed up for his own good. Clint Barton/Phil Coulson
Silence ~ 2/26/13 Rated PG Sometimes the quiet is the worst part
Roomies ~ 7/3/13 Rated NC17 There's an unwritten rule for SHIELD missions that Barton bunks alone. Clint/Coulson
The Key To A Heavy Door ~ 8/6/13 Rated R Some memories get locked away for our own protection (An Avengers/Bourne Legacy crossover) Clint/Coulson Aaron Cross/Marta Shearing
Tony Stark: Champion Of Women's Rights? ~ 9/2/13 Rated G Tony notices sexism in an unexpected place and he's having none of it. There's a first time for everything. Tony/Pepper
Happy Hangover ~ 1/12/15 Rated PG Clint just loves people with hangovers Clint/Coulson
Just You And Me. And... ~ 1/23/15 Rated G Pepper and Tony had planned a life with just the two of them. Funny thing about plans... Tony/Pepper
The Privilage Of A Lifetime ~ 3/23/15 Rated PG Jimmy Stark knew he lived a privileged life, he just didn't know how privileged Tony/Pepper Clint/Coulson
Plastic WMDs ~ 12/16/16 Rated PG Always watch where you step and never ask a scientist "why" Tony/Pepper
Reassembling The Broken Heart Of Tony Stark Rated NC17 ~ This fic is complete and being posted by chapter weekly. The rating will vary by chapter, but the fic as a whole is NC17 The world believes Tony Stark doesn’t have a heart. They’re wrong. Tony’s heart was shattered by his first love when he was sixteen. He put the pieces in a pile, built a wall around them and vowed it wouldn't happen again. Decades have passed and he’s never wanted to tear them down. Until now. Until Pepper. Tony thinks it’s safe to bring his patched up heart out and share it again. He’s wrong. Tony/Pepper and Clint/Coulson
![]() Sherlock Holmes gave me two pairings: Holmes/Irene and Holmes/Watson. My first slash pairing, and no, I don't see any conflict between my pairings. They'll work it out. The Grand Hotel Intrigue ~ 7/13/10 Rated NC17 Between the drinking of the drugged wine and the screaming of the housemaid lies the mystery. ![]() NCIS is a great team show, with keep-you-guessing storylines. Up till now, I haven't written any NCIS fic, all that technology scares me. But the muse goes where she goes... Anchors Aweigh ~ 6/10/08 Rated PG A drabble sized goodbye to Tony after the end of Judgement Day ![]() Lethal Weapon caught my attention back in the mid ‘80’s. Right away I was struck by how close Riggs and Murtaugh became as partners and friends. Of all the buddy cop shows out there, this is the only one to capture a part of the magic I saw on Starsky & Hutch all those years ago. Riggs is such a gold mine of angst…
Play Toys ~ 5/22/04 Rated R Someone is handing out dangerous toys to girls and boys, and it ain’t Santa.
I’m hoping to post a few of my older stories here. Teen Titans – no kidding! – a Star Trek story from the original series, and a couple more Lethal Weapon stories that were in a fanzine a few years ago. |