Early Monday Morning 



“How about dinner tonight?”


“What?” Kira rolled over and looked up at Hutch.


“Dinner.” He shot her a look as he pulled on his boots. One reason he’d maneuvered around Starsky to be with Kira last night was to see how she reacted to a little push. Starsky was bound to be pissed at him for the unexpected swap, but what the hell, Starsky was pissed at him anyway.


“Dinner?” She repeated.


 “You – me – in a place where they serve food. I hear it’s catching on.”


“What happened to no strings?” She rubbed a hand along his thigh.


“Dinner isn’t exactly a marriage proposal.” He stomped his foot on the floor to get the boot on comfortably.


“I – uh – “ Kira scrambled to come up with a good reason to tell Hutch no.


“Come on, it’s just dinner.” He finished buttoning his shirt. “Unless you already have dinner plans?”


“Would it bother you if I did?” She slid her hand up under his shirt and rasped her fingernails across his lower back.


“Not at all. I’m a no strings kind of guy, remember?” Standing up, Hutch tucked his shirt in. “Now someone like – let’s say Starsky – now he might think that a dinner or two or maybe three would mean something.”


“Starsky?” Kira sat up and wrapped the sheet around herself. “What does he have to do with anything?”


“Nothing.” Hutch shrugged into his jacket.


“Then why bring him up?”


“I know you’ve had dinner with Starsky, Kira.” Crouching to look in the dresser mirror, Hutch raked his fingers through his hair, trying to make it look like he hadn’t just rolled out of bed and showered. “And I know its been more than once.”


“And that bothers you?” She studied his reflection in the mirror, trying to gauge his mood.


“Nope. You wouldn’t be the first woman we’ve both screwed.” Turning around to face her, Hutch grabbed her arms and pulled her up off the bed. “But he may not realize what you are.”


“You’re hurting me.”


“Tell me you don’t like it.”


The baby blue eyes were like ice, and Kira shivered. “I don’t.”


“I don’t care if you’ve had dinner with Starsky – I don’t care if you’ve fucked him in the middle of the restaurant.” Hutch tightened his grip, making her wince. “But Starsky’s not a no strings kind of guy – do you understand?”


“I understand – I understand!” He let go of her arms, and she fell back onto the bed.


“Good.” Hutch turned and walked out, leaving Kira rubbing at the fingerprints on her arms.





The sun was already up as Hutch started his car, but the early morning was still chilly. The LTD protested the early wake up call but didn’t stall. Reaching down, he picked up the microphone. “Zebra Three to control.”


“Roger, Zebra Three, go ahead.”


“Patch me through to Starsky, would you?” He dropped the gearshift into drive and pulled away from the curb.


“Starsky logged out about fifteen minutes ago, Hutch. Sorry.”


“Did he say where he was?”


“He said he was going to see if he had any pizza left in the fridge.” The dispatcher laughed. “I don’t know how he eats like that and doesn’t get fat.”


“One of life’s mysteries.” He had hoped he could at least say hello to Starsky and talk to him for a few minutes before he went home and tried to get some sleep. “Go ahead and log me out, would you?”


“Roger, Zebra Three logged out at seven forty one. Sleep tight, Hutch.”


Breakfast didn’t sound good – his stomach was churning. There was something going on that he couldn’t quite put his finger on.


When Minnie had let him in on Starsky's little secret with Kira, he'd kept it to himself. What the hell, it just made things more interesting. After the case was over, he and Starsky would laugh about it and Starsky would owe him a beer. Kira would be left behind and it'd be back to just the two of them.


Only now, it didn't look like there would be anything left of their partnership – and possibly their friendship – when this case was over.


Their fight in the squad room had made Hutch wonder if it was time to spill the beans. Granted, he'd already been in a pissed off mood, but Starsky's gloating over Kira had been the spark that set it off. She was causing too much friction between them. He didn't want Starsky hurt because he gave too much of himself to Kira. There was no doubt in Hutch's mind that she was going to ditch them both after this was all said and done. He didn't care, but Starsky was the type to get in too deep.


"You're such a sap, Starsk, and that damn goofy face." Hutch tapped his fingers on the steering wheel. "Was that for my benefit, or is he really falling for her?"


That was the real reason he'd ignored Dobey's order to guard Susan again last night. Kira could do some real damage to Starsky if he was playing for keeps and she wasn't.


"Always the White Knight. Where are you now, Marcus?" Hutch pulled the car over in front of his apartment building. "Did you dream all of this?"


Kira was duly warned and now he could go get some sleep. Hutch grabbed the bundle of laundry from the backseat. His shirts were probably wrinkled after three days in the car, but he really didn't give a crap anymore. "Why Mrs. Hutchinson, your son simply must leave the country club immediately."


"I don't know why I keep looking out for Starsk." He slid his fingers along the top of the door frame, looking for the key he kept there. "He's not going to fall for Kira - he's just taking advantage of a free fuck. Worry about yourself, Hutch – "


Unlocking his door, Hutch was surprised to see Starsky sleeping on his sofa. The Torino hadn’t been parked out front and he wondered if Starsky had hidden it on purpose. He tossed the bundle of laundry onto the sofa, not caring that it bounced off Starsky’s back.


“Hey, Starsk, what are you doing here? Susan throw you out of the house?” As if Susan's husband would let them in the house.


“You got any idea what time it is?” Starsky sat up slowly.


“Why? We got an appointment?” Waiting up for me, Mom? Hutch couldn’t believe that Starsky was so pissed off over last night that he had actually come by and waited for him to come home.


“Look.” Rubbing his eyes, Starsky forced himself awake. “We gotta talk.”


“Yeah, what about?” Hutch rinsed out the metal tea kettle that had been sitting on the stove. “Want some coffee?”


“No.” Standing up, he walked into the kitchen to confront his partner. “About this assignment.”


“What about it? Got a new lead or something?” Setting the kettle back on the stove, Hutch lit the burner under it.


“Nope, nothing like that.” Still rubbing his tired eyes, Starsky stopped next to Hutch.


“Then what are you doing sleeping here at the house?” Turning his back on Starsky, he got a cup from the cabinet. It wasn’t unusual for Starsky to show up unannounced and let himself in, but today it irritated the hell out of him for some reason. “Couldn’t you find your way home?”


“Look, there’s something I want to clear up with you.”


“Yeah, sure. Clear away.” Why in the hell am I worried about him? Hutch listened with less than full attention to his partner’s tired old record, focusing on fixing himself some coffee instead. Maybe a kick in the teeth from someone like Kira is just what he needs. Bust those rose colored glasses of his.


“You’re not supposed to be over at Kira’s apartment.”


“Oh, I see, so that’s what this is all about? You go out with a girl for a week and you think you own her?”


“One month – but that’s not the point.”


Hutch shook his head. A month? This case felt like it had dragged on for a month, but it had been a week – maybe ten days? A month?


Before he could get back to that, Hutch found himself defending his professionalism once again. He might be tired and ready to quit – but he was still doing his damn job.


“Unprofessional? Don’t give me that jive.”  Hutch pointed at Starsky. “You can’t stand a little competition.”


“Competition? I welcome the competition!” Starsky’s voice grew louder. “Under normal circumstances – I’d wipe the floor with you!”


“Yeah? You’re looking a little green behind the gills there, partner.” He called after Starsky as his partner stalked out of the kitchen.


“Lookit, buddy – “ Starsky stopped as he reached the door. “We got a murder assignment. Either you follow the rules of the assignment – “ He jabbed a finger at Hutch. “Or you go find yourself another assignment.”


“Yeah, sure.” Hutch waved a hand as if he couldn’t care less.


The door slammed as Starsky went out. Turning back to the stove, Hutch lifted the coffee pot without thinking and burnt his hand. “Damn!”


He grabbed a cold beer from the refrigerator to soothe his burned hand. “Are partnerships like marriages? Is this the seven year itch?”


From outside, the sound of the Torino’s tires smoking came through the windows.


Hutch sat down at the table and drank his breakfast.




The realization that Hutch knew he was seeing Kira didn’t catch up to Starsky until he was halfway home. How had Hutch found out? He hadn’t said a single word to him.


“Maybe he’s finally getting it.” Relief flooded him. Here he had been thinking he and Hutch were completely losing touch.


“I knew you’d figure it out, buddy.” Starsky smiled and gave the Torino a little more gas to play with. “I knew you’d be able to see it.”


The good feeling slipped away.


“… You think you own her?” Hutch had said.


Why? Unless Hutch didn’t understand that what he and Kira had was serious.


His phone was ringing as he unlocked the front door. Tossing his keys on the coffee table, Starsky snatched the receiver up. “Hu – “




“Kira?” He dropped onto the couch. “Hi.”


“You sound disappointed that it’s me.”


“Nah, I’m just tired.” He’d hoped it was Hutch calling to maybe patch up their friendship a little. Shoulda known better.


“Me too, but…” Her voice trailed off.




“I wanted to hear your voice before I went to sleep.” She said softly.


“Did you miss me last night, sweetheart?” Starsky lay back on the couch. Kira’s voice made him feel good again.


“I did.” There was a sigh. “I really did.”


“Even with Hutch there?”


“Hutch isn’t you.”


“Kira, honey, I don’t want to worry you – but I think Hutch knows we’re seeing each other. I’m pretty sure.”


“He does?” Kira bit her lip. She knew he did – the question was, did Starsky know about her and Hutch? “You didn’t tell him – “


“No – he may’ve just figured it out. We’ve been together a long time.” The memory of meeting Hutch at the academy came to him, making him smile. “It’s taken him longer than usual, but I’ve been trying to keep it under wraps.”


“I appreciate it, Dave. If Hutch thinks we’re just a little interested in each other – he doesn’t have to know how serious we are.” Kira let out a little sigh. “We can tell him later what we really feel. And when this case is over, we can tell everybody.”


“I’m looking forward to that.” With the case wrapped up, he and Kira wouldn’t be working together, and the department wouldn’t frown on their relationship.


“You know, Hutch pulled a fast one on me last night – I should have realized what he was up to.” She made a tsking sound. “You’re not mad at me are you?”


“Of course not.” Hutch was who he was mad at. For taking advantage of the situation and for being so damn blind. “He was just trying to – you know – “


“Yeah, I know.” Her laugh was soft and sad sounding. “He was very charming when I got here.”


“He was?”Of course he was, you dummy! Hutch is always charming!  “He didn’t – I mean – you didn’t – “


“Dave!” Kira sounded shocked. “What did he say?”


“Nothing. Just that he kept his eyes open all night.”


“I know there’s a bit of a game going on – “


“No, Kira, not with me.” Starsky assured her. “Hutch just doesn’t realize how I feel about you. He thinks – he thinks there’s a competition for you.” He hesitated. “There’s not – is there?”


“Dave.” Her voice dropped to a husky tone. “You have no competition.”


A shiver ran up his spine, and his dick suggested they go visit Kira for breakfast.  “Hey, why don’t I come over? We could have some eggs and talk a little.”


“I’ve already had breakfast.”


“We could still talk.” There was a wheedling tone to his voice he hated, but Starsky needed to see her so bad he hurt. “I love talking to you.”


“Dave, you’re so sweet.” She laughed again, a happy sound. “How about you come over here about three, and we’ll have dinner here tonight?”


“Sounds good.” A little dinner, a little fooling around…


“It’s a date then.”


“It’s a date.” He agreed. They’d never called their dinners dates before. His heart gave a funny lurch. “Then we can go to work in a better frame of mind.”


“Fair warning – I’m not putting on my face or dressing up.” An irritated sound came from her end of the line. “I’m not putting on my war paint until I have to.”


“That’s okay, I like your face.”


“You should see it in the morning.”


“I have.” Remembering seeing Kira the morning before made him smile. “You were beautiful. You’re always beautiful.”


“Now you’re sounding like Hutch.”


“I suppose he was trying to charm his way into your bed?” Once again, all the good feelings were shoved away by jealousy. “Did he – “


“Dave – “ Kira’s voice was sharp. “I’m sorry I brought it up. I don’t want you to get mad at him. He’s your friend, remember?”


“Yeah. I remember, but does he?” Sitting up, Starsky ran a hand over his face. “Listen, tonight I’m the one taking you home. I’m going to set Hutch straight on that.”


“You know, it’s partly my fault, Dave.” Kira made a frustrated sound. “He’s your friend, don’t be mad at him for – you know – being a man.”


“I’m sorry you’re in the middle of this, Kira.”


“It’ll all work out, Dave. Everything will work out perfectly.”


“Well, I hope it works out soon.”


“It will. Now, you go to sleep, and I’ll see you this afternoon, okay?”




“Night, sweet dreams.”


There was a click and the line went dead. Hanging up the phone, Starsky got up and went into the kitchen. The only thing that looked appetizing was a bottle of beer. Walking back into the living room, he sat down on the couch and drank his breakfast.



Tuesday Morning



Starsky was angry, and Hutch was tired of trying to figure out why. It was time to lay it on the line. The reaction to his suggestion of separate vacations gave him hope that they could salvage their friendship even if their partnership was shot to hell.


Parking behind the Torino, Hutch got out and walked slowly up the stairs to the front door. The paper lay on one of the steps, and he picked it up as he went.  Once he reached the door, Hutch stood there, unsure of what to do. Knock? He had a key, but should he use it? Was Starsky even up?


The little window set in the door was open partway, and Hutch poked it open to peer inside. The living room was empty but Starsky’s voice drifted to him, and he smiled. Since when did Starsky sing to his plants?


Starsky was at the kitchen sink, humming softly as he watered a small plant. He jumped as a newspaper bounced on the counter and fell into the sink. He turned to see Hutch standing at the end of the kitchen island.


“Whoops.” Hutch shifted nervously. “Morning.”


Starsky set the plant back on the windowsill and picked the paper up out of the sink. “Want some coffee?”


“Oh, uh, yeah.” He walked into the kitchen.


“Grab a cup.” Moving to the end of the counter, Starsky picked up the coffee pot. He poured some into the cup Hutch held. “It’s, uh, kinda strong.” Too late, he remembered that it was yesterday’s coffee.


Hutch took a drink. It was horrible, and he waited until Starsky turned to put the coffee pot up to spit it out into the sink. “It’s like the inside of a tennis shoe.”


“Well, it’ll wake you up.”


“If it doesn’t kill you first.” The cup went on the counter. He wasn’t risking another drink.


Starsky laughed softly and Hutch laughed with him. It was forced. For the first time, there was an awkwardness and uncomfortableness with each other.


Sitting down at the end of the counter, Starsky opened the newspaper and looked at the headlines. He didn’t really read the paper, just the funnies. He got the paper for Hutch to read.


Walking to within reach of his partner, but not close enough to crowd him, Hutch leaned against the counter. “Well, look… uh… I just thought we might work out whatever the problem is.”


“Oh, well…” Giving up his pretense of reading the paper, Starsky tossed it onto the counter and folded his arms over his chest. “There’s no problem – not anymore.”


“Well there was yesterday.” When you chewed my ass out at the dance hall. Again. Hutch kept that to himself. Starsky didn’t seem angry this morning, and he didn’t want to antagonize him.


“I was jealous.”  He looked down at the linoleum between Hutch’s feet, a sheepish expression on his face.


“You were jealous?” Smiling at that admission, Hutch thought Starsky looked like a little boy who’d had to confess that he put a tack on the teacher’s chair. “You’re not jealous now?”


The grin faded, and he regarded Hutch seriously. “No.”


The look on Starsky’s face sobered him instantly. “How come?”


“I had to deal with how Kira and I feel about each other.”


“How’s that?” His heart began to pound. Something bad was about to happen.


Starsky smiled up at him. “I love her.”


A fist to the gut wouldn’t have surprised him more. “You what?” Hutch choked out.


“I love her.”


One look at Starsky’s face told him he was serious, and Hutch looked away. Clearly Starsky believed he loved Kira. “She loves you?”


“Yeah.” He nodded.


“She told you that?”


“Well, not in so many words. But, ah…” Starsky hesitantly reached out to smooth the wrinkles from Hutch’s jacket sleeve.  “You know what I mean?”


He thinks he loves her – he thinks he loves her! Hutch couldn’t form the words to tell Starsky that he didn’t love Kira, that he was deluding himself. He had seen Starsky in love – this wasn’t even in the same zip code. The look on his partner’s face begged him to believe. Only he couldn’t, and he looked away again.


“Yeah, well, look – “ Pushing away from the counter, Hutch headed for the door. “I’ve got some work to catch up on. I’ll hook up with you later.”


“Thanks for dropping by.” Starsky watched him walk out, slamming the door as he went.


Getting up, he dumped yesterday’s coffee down the drain. “Well that went pretty well, Starsky. For your next trick, you should gargle razor blades.”


He’d sat in the cold last night and tried to piece together what was going wrong between him and Hutch. Everything seemed to trace back to this case. To Kira. Before this, they’d been on edge and snappish with each other – but they’d still been friends.


Starsky rinsed the coffee pot out. He and Hutch had drifted apart over the past several months, but not so far as to be out of arm’s reach. He’d never hesitated to touch Hutch, – but just now he’d been scared to – scared that Hutch would pull away.


“Ah, Hutch, this was supposed to make it all better.” The decision to tell his partner how he felt about Kira hadn’t been easy. He’d promised Kira that he wouldn’t tell Hutch, and he hadn’t intended to. Weighing that promise against his friendship with Hutch had left him no choice. He loved Kira, but in the end, he loved Hutch more. Telling him the truth would end the craziness that was going on.


Hutch showing up out of the blue seemed like a sign that he’d made the right decision. Only instead of congratulations and that special Hutch smile, he’d gotten evasiveness and disbelief. Why, Hutch? What the hell’s going on? Are you in love with her too?


The coffee pot exploded as it hit the sink.






The LTD ate the pavement on the way to Kira’s house. The beat up car was a cold, cranky bitch and an ugly sister to Starsky’s Torino, but under the hood, she was a police car and born to run. The twenty minute drive whittled down to ten.


Once inside Kira’s, Hutch got right to the point. “Are you in love with Starsky?”


Kira sighed and walked into the living room without answering.


“Kira?” Following her, he asked again. “Do you love Starsky?”


“Yes.” She smiled as she sat down on the sofa.


She looked happy. Maybe he’d misjudged this entire situation. Kira had struck him as someone who loved nobody but herself. Hutch smiled and shrugged, throwing up his hands in defeat. “Well, I guess for a change he was right.”


Turning, he walked toward the door. “I’ll see you.”


“I love you too, Hutch.”


The words hit him in the back, and he stopped. He couldn’t have heard her right. Walking back to where he could see Kira still smiling at him, he stared at her. “What?”


“I love you too.”


“What are you doing?” He clenched his hands on the small counter that divided the living room from the entryway. “What kind of game are you playing?”


“There’s no games.” Kira smiled. She loved this part. “I love you both.”


“Well – “ He gaped at her. “How’s that possible?”


“Because you’re two entirely different human beings.” She shrugged. “I love both of you in a different way. Is that so terrible?”


“You know – I’m trying to compute this right now – “ Hutch gestured toward his head, trying to convey how confused he was. “But I just can’t seem to add up.”


“Hutch, have you ever made love to more than one woman in one week?” She asked. “Really – the truth – have you?”


“Yes.” He looked away. “On occasion, I have made love to more than one woman in one week.”


Kira smiled as he walked around the end of the counter to stand just inside the living room. “And really cared for them? And you really liked them?” She could see Hutch was confused as to where she was going. “And you really cared for them?”


“I don’t make love to a woman unless I like her – okay?” This whole line of questioning was pissing him off. He wasn’t he one acting crazy here. “I feel like I’m being tested for some new sex survey or something! Will you tell me what’s going on – because I’m having a hard time handling it.”


“Well, like you – “ Her tone was that of a patient teacher with a slow child. “I love two people at the same time.”


“I – I – I’m not quite that liberated – “ What the hell had he and Starsky gotten into with this woman? He shook a finger at her. “You know, when I get down to the nitty gritty – down to what love is – I’m really old fashioned about that. I’m a one man, one woman kinda guy.”


“So you want me to choose between you and Starsky – is that it?”


“Yes.” Someone needed to figure a way out of this mess. “Yes.”


“Oh, I see.” Kira smiled again. “And if I become your one woman – does that mean it’s a commitment till death do us part? Is that it?”


“I’m – I’m – “ He shook his head and backed up a step. “I’m not talking about that – that’s not what I have in mind.”


“Exactly. Me neither.” Her smiled broadened. “You see, dear Hutch, you want your cake – but you’re afraid to eat it.”


Words wouldn’t form – wouldn’t come out. Hutch stared at her, seeing the smug smile and the gleam of triumph in her eyes. What the hell was Kira saying? She wanted both of them? They’d done that before, but never with the word love involved.


“Well – “ He finally found his voice. “I’ll give you this much – you sure know how to confuse a guy.”


Standing up, Kira walked slowly to where he stood. “Look, Hutch, when I make that one man one woman commitment – I will be the most loyal being on this planet.”


She stopped as close to Hutch as possible without touching him. “But that doesn’t mean we can’t share something now, okay?”


“Don’t do this thing.” Hutch felt her take his hand and he watched as she lifted it to her lips. “We’ve got some things to work out.”


“You know – “ She rubbed his fingers over her cheek. “Life is a lot simpler than you like to admit.”


“What about Starsky?” This wasn’t fair to him – unless they really could love the same woman. Only Starsky didn’t love her, and he didn’t either. Did they? “We’ve got to consider him.”


“We already have.” Smiling, Kira rubbed his hand over her face. “How do you feel?”


“Full of you.” Hutch cupped her face, his thumb rubbing over her cheek. Maybe he’d read her all wrong – read Starsky wrong –


Leaning into him, Kira wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down into a tender kiss. Hutch claimed he was through with commitments, but the truth was that he was longing for that same love and tenderness that Starsky was.


Burying his face in her hair, Hutch breathed in the fresh, clean scent of soap and soft skin. Could this work? Can we share Kira and love her? Would Starsky be happy? His thoughts were scattering in all directions.


He let Kira lead him into the bedroom. The bed had been made and the crisp, spotless sheets looked inviting.


“You’re so beautiful.” She pulled his shirt open and slid her hands over his chest. “So soft.”


This could work, they could work out something so they could all be happy. Hutch closed his eyes as Kira kissed along his throat. The unexpected tenderness made him feel weak, and he clutched at her shoulders for support. As cynical as he’d become – he still craved love and gentleness.


“Let’s make love.” She pulled Hutch’s shirt out of his jeans and began unbuckling his belt. “Let’s make love this time.”


“Yes…” That was exactly what he wanted – Hutch’s eyes opened as the pieces snapped into place. “You – I – you want to make love?”


“Don’t you?” Rubbing the palm of her hand against his hard on, she sighed.


“What if I want it rough like last night?” He grabbed her hands and held them still. “Huh? What about that?”


“That’s fine.” She looked up at him and licked her lips.


“So rough is okay – but making love is okay?”


“Whatever you want.” Kira tried to pull her hands free, but Hutch held them tightly.


“Whatever I want? What about what you want?” Pushing her back a step, he jerked his shirt closed. “What about what Starsky wanted?”


“Starsky?” A frown creased her forehead. “What does he have to do with this?”


“I don’t know. You tell me.” Walking across the room, Hutch leaned on the dresser. “Because I’m beginning to think he has everything to do with this.”


“Well – I – “ She went to him, but he held up his hands to ward her off. “I love you both, so – “


“Do you?”


“Of course I do. What do you think?”


“I think that you don’t love anybody but yourself. Now this little game you’ve got going? I’ll bet you love that, don't you?” Hutch walked around her, studying her as if he’d never seen her before. “Did you say what Starsky wanted to hear? Did you prey on his loneliness? His need to be gentle?”


“There’s no games – “ This was not going the way she wanted it to go.


“You’re playing us – fucking playing us – Jesus – “ He laughed at the trapped expression on her face. “My ex wife was an expert at head games, but even she never pulled this kind of stunt.”


“I’m not playing any head games!” Kira protested. “I love you both!”


“You’re playing us off each other – wanting us to fight. You’re the kind of woman who’d date two brothers just to watch them fight over you.”


“I haven’t played you – either of you!”


“What’s your game, lady?” Hutch stopped in front of her. “All this time – doing and saying what we want – keeping it all a secret – why?”


“This – I’m not listening to this!” She stepped around him, but Hutch slammed the bedroom door before she could reach it.


“You meet two men and you set it up so they end up at each other’s throats. No, not just two men – two friends – two good friends.” Hutch snapped his fingers. The key pieces to the puzzle. “Two good friends. Is that what gets you off? Destroying a friendship?”


“Hutch – you’ve been up all night – you need some sleep.” Kira laid a hand on his arm. “You’re not being rational.”


“I’m perfectly rational – for the first time in days. You told us both to keep it a secret so we wouldn’t see what was going on until it was too late." The words tumbled out as all the pieces of the puzzle began to fall into place. "You knew you couldn’t just turn us against each other – so you worked from either side to slam us together, didn’t you?”


“No, Hutch – “


“You’re just waiting for that moment – that moment when we turn on each other.” Shoving her hand away, Hutch looked down at her, disgust on his face. “And that’s when you get what you wanted all this time.”


“You’re wrong!” She reached out to touch him again, but Hutch slapped her hand away. “Hutch, I love you.”


“Lady, you don’t know what love is.” He laughed at her. “Besides – that’s Starsky’s thing – I’m Mr. Likes No Strings, remember?”


“But you want love.” The gloves were off now, and Kira smiled smugly. “You say you don’t want a commitment – but deep down you’re just like Starsky.”


“I have trouble taking that as an insult.” Leaning down until he was on eye level with her, Hutch smiled just as smugly. “You – you’re just a piece of ass. And not even that good of one.”


“Fuck you!” She jerked the door open and stomped out, slamming it behind her as she went. There was still one last card to play.


“You already have.” Hutch sat down on the bed and raked his fingers through his hair. Kira had no doubt told Starsky everything he wanted to hear. Fed his desire to be in love. The same way she’d fed his own need for a cheap, meaningless fuck – a relationship where he didn’t have to feel anything.


“He’s hope – “ He laughed at the irony. “I’m hopelessness.”


The pieces came together one at a time as he sat there. The things she’d said and done – the way she’d maneuvered him around. He could only imagine she’d done the same to Starsky.


How do I tell him? Hutch closed his eyes and dropped his head into his hands. God – God – how do I tell him? He could still see the look on Starsky’s face – wanting so desperately to be in love.


When he finds out – His head snapped up. It dawned on him that this was a dangerous place to be. If Starsky found him in Kira’s bedroom – she’d likely have the fight she wanted. No, she’d have half a fight because he wouldn’t fight for her. He'd hurt Starsky enough already because of Kira.


Hutch had gotten to his feet and was buckling his belt when he heard the knock at the front door. Right on cue, Starsky. There was no doubt in his mind as to who was at Kira’s door.


He could hide and wait for Starsky to leave, but the odds were good that Kira would somehow let Starsky know he was here. Or he could go out and see if he could explain.


“Well, hell, the fall’s probably going to kill you.” Hutch opened the bedroom door and stepped out, realizing as he did so that his shirt was still unbuttoned and hanging out of his pants. Some detective.


The hurt in Starsky’s eyes broke Hutch’s heart. He wanted to explain, but the words stuck in his throat. How do you explain betrayal like this?


“You wanted to straighten things out, huh?” Starsky asked. “Clear up the problem?”


“Starsky, I meant it.”


“Sure you did.” He turned and walked to the front door. Kira reached out to grab his arm and he yanked it away.


“Starsk – “ Hutch caught him just as he reached the door. “Hey – hey – come on – “


“What?” Starsky jerked away from him.


“Starsk, I just came by to find out how Kira feels about things – “ Too late, Hutch realized how that would sound.


“And how does she feel? Huh?” Turning to look at Hutch, Starsky forced the words out past the lump of pain in his throat. “How does she feel? How does she feel?”


“Starsk – “ Starsky took a swing at him, and Hutch blocked it. The punches were wild and furious. Starsky was like a child, hurt and angry, unleashing his pain in an unguided frenzy.


Hutch caught him and pushed him against the wall, pinning him there, wishing Kira would stop shouting at them so he could calm Starsky down. Before he could try – Starsky threw him off.


“Get out!” Kira shouted into the sudden silence.


Hutch turned to look at her. Her face was flushed, and her eyes were bright with excitement. They’d given Kira her moment after all.


The front door stood open and Starsky was already gone. Hutch walked out, hearing the door shut behind him and not caring.


“Starsky!” He ran toward where the Torino was double parked. The striped car roared off before he could reach it, throwing grit and smoke in his face. “Starsky, wait!”


“Damn it!” Hutch slapped the hood of his own car. “Damn it!”




Kira jumped as her front door crashed open. “What the hell are you doing?”


“Isn’t this part of your plan, Kira?” Hutch walked slowly inside.


“Get out!”


“When did you change your clothes?” He hadn’t noticed until just now that Kira was dressed differently. “You – you called him, didn’t you? What did you tell him?”


“Get the hell out!”


“Oh, I’m going.” Hutch took a step toward her, smiling as Kira backed away. “You stay away from Starsky – you hear me?”


“What if he doesn’t want me to?” She backed up another step as Hutch’s eyes narrowed.


“Trust me – he’s not going to want you within fifty feet of him after this.” Turning, he walked back to the front door, pausing to look back at her. “Well, you got your scene, lady. I hope you’re happy.”


She was smug, smiling at him. He could see it, and had to force his hands not to clench into fists – he wanted to smash her face in – woman or not.


“I hope you got off on it.” He slammed the door behind him as he left.




Shell Game: The Tag