Chapter Three



Halfway down the stairs, Angel had to sit and rest. He had awakened to find Buffy already up and gone. There was a note on her pillow telling him to shower and then come downstairs.


Showering off the greasy coating had taken more energy than it should have. The boost provided by Buffy’s blood had run out and left him weak and shaky. In the end, he'd simply stood with his hands braced against the shower wall and let the hot water pour over his back and down his body.


A clean red sweatshirt had been lying on the bed and when he pulled it on, Angel strongly suspected it belonged to Xander. It was too tight across the shoulders and back, and he'd had to take it off when it had chafed the cuts on his back.


They'll just have to deal with half naked perfection. Angelus snickered as Angel pulled the black sweatpants on.


Parading around half naked in front of Buffy is fine. But Xander and Willow, not so much. Angel shook his head. Dawn is a little too old now for that kind of thing.


Hmm…. She's just about the right age I'd say…


That's – you're – Using the banister, Angel pulled himself up. She's a child!


She's the same age Buffy was when you started having those hot little fantasies about her. Angelus shot back. Remember the lollipop? Mmmm?


He tried not to think about the flash fantasy of sixteen year old Buffy and her lollipop, naked and ready for him. You're disgusting!


Hello? I'm a demon!


Just shut up. Carefully, Angel continued downstairs.


So… when you going to tell Buffy?






I'm just going to ease into it.


You almost eased into Buffy. Angelus panted.


As he neared the bottom of the stairs, Angel heard Xander singing Shake Your Groove Thing. Off key and loudly.


Kill me – kill me now!


Love to. Stepping down, Angel turned to see Xander dancing – he assumed – and singing – possibly. Lorne was swaying slightly and watching with an expression Angel recognized as his "Oh my God, stop before my ears bleed" expression.


"Wow, hey, it's Angel!" Lorne rushed over to him. "You're looking better, Angelcakes. Of course, considering you looked like something the cat wouldn't drag in when we got here, anything's an improvement."


"Angelcakes?" Xander snickered.


"Heck of a show, Xander." Angel smirked as he walked slowly to the sofa, Lorne assisting him like he was incapable of making it on his own. Which wasn’t too far from the truth. "For a singer, you're a good carpenter."


"Laugh now, but I'm already planning my Vegas tour."


I hear Siegfried and Roy need kitty kibble.


"If you go, take your hammer." Lorne fussed about Angel, covering him with a colorful afghan and tucking it around his sides. "I see some successful construction in your future, dumpling."


Angel laid his head back and closed his eyes. He was not looking forward to going back up the stairs. How the hell had he made it up them the first time?


Buffy – showering – vanilla.


Oh, yeah… That was a nice image. He smiled.


"Dumpling?" Buffy came out of the kitchen and sat down next to Angel. "Better watch it, Anya'll get jealous."


"Anya? Jealous?" Xander shook his head and then shot a look toward the kitchen where Anya was helping Willow with lunch. "I'll be right back."


"So, how are we feeling?" Buffy ran her fingers through Angel's damp hair.


You feel nice and silky hot as I recall.


"Tired, but better." Angel opened his eyes and smiled at her.


"Let's take a look at your back."


Angel grunted as Buffy took his arm and pulled him forward to look at his injured back.


"Ugh…" Lorne grimaced. "Better, but still holding you back in the swimsuit competition, sugar cookie."


Damn, and I just got that new lamé speedo.


The cuts did look much improved, but Angel was far from fully healed. Buffy frowned; she hadn't seen Angel this weak since Spike had tried to kill him to restore Drusilla.


"I'd say a little more of the red stuff is called for, wouldn't you, Slayerkins?" Lorne got up from the sofa. "I'll go zap a mug."


There was still a jagged cut across the gryphon. "Poor baby." Buffy pressed a kiss to the coyly turned face.


I've got something better you can kiss, lover.


"Why does he call me Slayerkins?" She let Angel sit back again and pulled the afghan up over his bare chest. Her fingers lingered over the cool skin.


"I don't know. But he means it in a good way." A smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. "He's always saying 'your Slayerkins'."


"Well… I've been called worse."


"Here we are, tall, dark, and fangsome." With a flourish, Lorne presented Angel with a UCLA mug. "A sampling of our finest, iron rich and packed with goodies. Builds strong vamp bodies eight ways."


Taking the mug, Angel sipped at it carefully. Blood tended to heat unevenly, and he'd burned his tongue more than once.


"Relax, my little strudel, I heated it myself with my own green hands." Lorne held the indeed green hands up. "Oh, I could so use a manicure."


"Eww – " Buffy looked at the jagged nails. "I'll call Clem, he's great."


"Buffy, baby, sweetie, I appreciate the gesture." A smile made the red eyes twinkle. "But you're overlooking the lovely greenish hue here."


"Not to worry. Clem is a – " She frowned. "I don't know what he is – but he's some kind of demon – only nice like you are."


"Well in that case, what are you waiting for? Call him! Here, use my phone." Lorne pulled a cell phone out of his jacket pocket.


"Is that mine?" Angel looked at the phone Buffy was using.


"Yours, mine, who really owns anything in this crazy world?"


"Just because I hardly – rarely – sometimes use it – it's still mine."


"Shut up and drink your blood like a good little vampire." Lorne shushed him. "Daddy needs his nails done."


Watch who you're calling Daddy! Angelus snarled.


Relax, it's Lorne. Quit being so butch. Angel sighed in appreciation. The blood was just the right temperature, and he found himself drinking hungrily.


Buffy shut off the cell phone and handed it back to Lorne. "He'll be here after Passions is over."


"Can't believe people watch that tripe." He slipped the phone back in his pocket. "I mean, a tiny little witch guy masquerading as a doll? Please! That is so Twilight Zone."


Buffy stroked a hand through Angel's hair again. "There's more if you need it."


Angel could see the bottom of the cup, and he was hungry for the first time since he’d found himself stuffed back into his body. "More would be good."


"I'll get you some more, muffin." Lorne held out his hand for Angel's cup. "Wanna mix it up a little? We've got some O pos in the fridge."


"That'd be good. I like O." He handed his cup over.


Xander and Anya came out of the kitchen, Xander with a big grin on his face and a bacon, lettuce, and tomato sandwich in his hand. Anya had a smile on her lipstick smeared lips.


Behind them trailed Willow and Dawn carrying sandwiches and sodas and rolling their eyes at the couple.


Dawn handed her sister a soda and a plate. "Can we please label the kitchen a G rated zone?"


"We were only kissing." Anya sat down on the arm of Xander's chair. "If we were going to have sex, we'd go down to the basement."


Xander tried to swallow the bite of BLT and stop her from talking. "Mnmph!"


"There's a cot down there that's very comfortable – ow!" Anya yelped. "Xander! You pinched me!"


"I think he's trying to tell you to stop sharing." Buffy grimaced. 


"The cot?" Dawn's eyes were wide. "In our basement?" 


"What?" Anya looked bewildered as she sometimes did by the others' reactions. "The door was closed. Xander insisted."


"Moving on." Xander turned to Angel. "Angelus helped kill beast boy I hear. Is he getting soft in his old age?"


Says the guy with the spare tire around his gut?


"Are you kidding?" Angel shook his head. "Angelus didn't help – he escaped. Luckily, he kept the Beast occupied until Connor could kill it." 


"I didn’t think Angelus would go out of his way to take on the big bad." Xander scoffed. "I'd figure leather boy would head for Sunnydale to see the Buffster."


"Well he was – " Angel started.


You tell him that I went after that big rock on purpose, and I'll sing Highway To Hell! Angelus snarled.


" – On his way out of LA when the Beast attacked him." Angel continued smoothly. Not completely untrue, Angelus had planned on killing it and then coming for Buffy. "And as you can see, the Beast hurt me – him – pretty badly."


Buffy had caught the slight pause, but no one else seemed to notice. She didn't know if it was due to Angelus adding his two cents worth or because it was a painful subject for Angel. 


"So, see there – Angelus was needed then." Willow shot Xander a shut up look. He responded with the not seeing you look.


Angel nodded slowly. "Because I would have stopped the Beast from killing Connor."


Willow knew that Connor had died with the Beast, but she hadn’t said anything to the others. This was one of those moments she hated. Everyone was all quiet, and no one knew what to say. It was so quiet she could hear her heartbeat. She shot a glance at Angel, wondering if he could hear it.


"Destiny sucks." Buffy broke the uncomfortable silence. 


"Oh, hey man, I'm sorry." Xander had the good grace to look embarrassed. "I didn't know."


"Angel, I'm so sorry." Dawn gave him a careful hug. She had only met Connor once. He was cute in a boy band way, but terminally odd. Plus, he'd thrown Angel in the ocean, not a good way into her heart.


"Here we are, sugar pie." Lorne breezed in from the kitchen. He handed Angel the blue and gold cup. "I found some hot sauce in the cabinet, gave you a healthy shot."


"Thanks." Angel lifted the cup to his lips. He liked a little spice in his blood from time to time.


"Add a shot of vodka and a celery stalk – " Lorne sat down on the arm of the sofa next to Dawn. "And it’s a Bloody Mary – the real kind." 


Chuckling at his own joke, Lorne noticed no one else was. "Not one of my best, I admit, but give a guy a break." 


They were staring at Angel. Lorne waved a hand nonchalantly. "Not to worry, gang. I checked the label – no garlic. He has the darndest reaction to garlic. Kinda funny in a deadly, pump your stomach kind of way." 


Buffy felt Angel's body tense. "Angel's going to be here from now on, and he has to eat just like we do. You guys'll have to get used to it."


"No offense, Buff, but cup 'o blood isn't the same as a sandwich." Xander lifted his BLT for emphasis.


"No? What about that peanut butter and mayonnaise thing you eat?" Buffy made a face. "And, Will, what about your shock tarts and Sprite thing?"


"But – they're all pretty and fizzly." The redhead protested.


"And totally gross." Dawn was trying her best to pretend Angel was drinking something not blood, but she wasn't going to let them pick on him.


“How strange is it that we take animal carcasses and cook them?” Anya added helpfully. “And then we eat them.”


“So is Angel staying?” Dawn looked across to her sister. “Please?”


Angel glanced at Buffy. She smiled and nodded. “Yes.”


Dawn squealed and hugged Angel again, making him yelp. Buffy grabbed his cup before it sloshed all over him.


Willow and Xander looked at each other. The Summers’ house had three bedrooms. All of them currently taken. “Um… am I moving out?” Willow asked quietly.


“Will, no – ” Buffy set Angel’s mug on the coffee table. “Of course not.”


“Angel can sleep in the basement. On the cot.” Anya said. When they turned to stare at her, she shrugged. “What? He can put on clean sheets.”


“Angel isn’t sleeping in the basement.” Buffy told her.


Lorne shifted uncomfortably. He didn’t need music to read the tension and fear in the room.  Panic and terror, table for two, please.


Willow opened and closed her mouth. Xander set his plate down on the coffee table with a thump.


“I need to talk to Buffy.” Angel pulled the afghan off. “Alone.”


Buffy and Lorne helped Angel back upstairs. He was feeling better, but the walk was still tiring. Dawn scampered ahead of them, and she was just finishing pulling the dirty bed sheets off as they came into Buffy’s room.


“We probably need to burn these.” Dawn rolled the icky sheets into a ball.


“Or bury them.” Lorne helped Buffy put clean sheets on the bed while Angel rested on the chair that matched the dresser. The spindly legs creaked warningly as Angel shifted his weight. “Watch it, big boy, you’ll be on the floor.”


That thought had crossed Angel’s mind as he sat down on the delicate and definitely feminine chair. Buffy was silent as she tucked the corners of the sheet under and smoothed out the wrinkles. It was clear she hadn’t put any long term thought into the curse and the no sex aspect of his staying.


He smiled. Luckily, that no longer mattered.


Sadly, we don’t have the freaking strength. Angelus yawned. Tell green boy to use more hot sauce next time.


After Lorne and Dawn left the room, Buffy helped Angel to the bed. He took her hands in his as they sat down on the end.


“You can use my bed until you feel better.” She told him. “And then we’ll figure something out. We’ll deal.”


“Buffy, Wes used a spell he found at Wolfram and Hart to remove my soul and hold it.” He explained. “And afterwards, he used another spell to restore it.”


She nodded, and Angel lifted her hands to his lips. “It’s a different spell. Wes found several ensoulment spells, and this one had a loophole I could live with.”


Not another loophole!  “What kind of loophole?” She asked cautiously.


It was an effort, but Angel managed to keep a straight face. “It seems that if I go out in the sunlight, I’ll burst into flame.”


Should I count how many times she’s blinking?


“Seriously?” Angel wouldn’t joke about something this serious. At least she didn’t think he would.


“Seriously.” He let himself smile. “And better than some of the others. Not fond of boils.”


A smile lit her face up. “No more happy clause?”


“No more happy clause.” Which was good, because seeing the joy on her face and the way her eyes brightened from gray to green made him dangerously happy. Previously dangerously happy. Now perfectly safely happy. “We can be as happy as we want to be.”


Buffy threw her arms around him and kissed him, her warm tongue licking across his lips until he opened for her.


I want to be happy now.


Me too. Wrapping his arms around her, Angel pulled her up onto his lap. She straddled his thighs and rubbed herself against him, making his cock ache. Then he yawned mid kiss.


Giggling, Buffy slid off his lap. “We’ll have to make with the happy later.”




Ditto. “Keep track so we can catch up.” Turning, he crawled up onto the bed and laid down.


“Um… we’re never gonna catch up.” Picking up the bowl of gunky stuff, Buffy smeared it over the cuts on his bare back.


We can try.


“We can try.” Angel sighed as Buffy’s warm hands moved over his body. Lifting his hips, he pushed the sweat pants down so that she could get to the cuts on his hips without ruining the one piece of clothing he had.


She loves my ass.


‘s my ass… Buffy was somewhere around the small of his back when Angel drifted to sleep.


After she’d covered the cuts with the greasy stuff, Buffy washed her hands and came back to cover him with a sheet. Sitting on the bed next to him, she ran her fingers through the dark hair. “So… let’s figure two – maybe three – times a day. How many days in a year? Was there a leap year?”


Yes… maybe two…





They fell into a pattern over the next several days of Angel sleeping the majority of the time, waking only to feed and walk about the house to keep his muscles loose.


The cuts and tears in his skin healed until he no longer needed the salve, making Buffy doubly happy that he was healing and saving her dwindling supply of sheets.


News that Angel was curse free, at least in the soul losing and turning into his evil twin type curse, was greeted with relief by the rest of the household. Xander's jokes about soundproofing the bedroom walls notwithstanding.


Lorne made a road trip to LA to bring back clothes for Angel. He also brought back several sets of Angel's sheets. "Red satin? Oh, you are a naughty boy." He winked at Buffy as he handed Angel the sheets.


The sheets were too big for Buffy's bed, but she used them anyway. Stretching out with Angel on deliciously soft silk or satin sheets was not something she was passing up.


Angel grew steadily stronger, and he and Buffy indulged in more kissing and touching until Angelus had asked one night if they were going to be stuck in the high school make out zone forever.


Angel waited until the house was empty – Dawn and Willow at school, and Buffy at work – to make his plans. He had felt strong enough to make love to Buffy for the last two nights, but he wanted this first time to be special.


It's not the first time, dufus. Angelus snorted. Her birthday and the day only we remember how stupid you were, remember?


"This is still the first time." Angel flipped through the phone book. "Sort of."


"Of course it is, honey bunch." Lorne said absently.


I'm all for some privacy, why not just kill them all?


"Buffy would be a little angry if I killed her friends." 


"I'm sure she would be, sunshine." Flipping a page in his magazine, Lorne frowned. "Die Hard 4? Isn't Bruno getting a bit old for the action flicks?" 


"Why am I not finding the florist I used to use?" Angel ran a finger down the list again.


"Either he got smart and left Sunny D, or a demon ate him." Lorne took a sip of his coffee.


He couldn't get black roses. A mental shrug. I was in a mood.


"Wait... I killed him." Angel sighed.


"That would be option two, then." Turning a few more pages, Lorne tsked. "How thin is too thin, I ask you? Famine victims look better."


"A cottage or a suite?" Chewing his lip, Angel debated the choices.


Which one has a bigger bed?


"Depends on what you have in mind, moon pie." 


Fucking her brains out. Repeatedly.


"I want it to be special." Angel ignored the image Angelus sent of Buffy screaming ‘fuck me’. "Not sleazy."


"That's sweet." Lorne closed his magazine. "But let’s be honest, tall dark and not been laid in a while, you're going to plan on taking it slow. You're going to envision wonderfully long hours of foreplay followed by intense –  yet gentle and tender –  lovemaking, gazing into each other's eyes –  to the depths of your souls –  as you have simultaneous orgasms."


Hell, I'll go for that. Angelus whistled. Is it hot in here?


"Are you making fun of me?"


"Not at all, sugar." Lorne reached across the table and took the phone book from Angel. "I'm just saying that what's going to happen is that you and your sweet Slayerkins are going to rip off only those clothes absolutely necessary, and hump like bunnies."


Oh, yeah! I am so there!


"We – I won't – I mean – " Angel stuttered. "That's – oh God – we are, aren't we?"


I hope so.


"I know so. Now go on upstairs and rest up." He pulled his cell phone out of the pocket of his robe. "Leave it all to Uncle Lorne."


We'll need some handcuffs... and some oil... a couple of vibrators...


Getting up from the table, Angel set his cup in the sink and rinsed it out. "I want it to be perfect."


"It will be, peach pie, don't you worry." Lorne scrolled through the list of numbers stored in memory. "After the two of you work off some of that built up sexual energy, you'll look around and find yourselves in a lovers’ paradise."


"Thank you."


Lorne studied Angel for a moment. "I'll get the scented oils, but none of the kinky stuff."




Angle blinked. "How did you – "


"A shot in the dark, sweetheart." A smile quirked the red lips. "You weren't talking to me earlier, were you?"


"No." No circulation meant no red face. A plus.


"Didn’t think so, though it’s fun answering anyway. You do that – talk to your inner demon – when nobody's around."


Angel grinned sheepishly. "Sorry."


"Oh, now that you should do that more often." Lorne waved a perfectly manicured hand. "Off with you now."


What’s wrong with a little kinky stuff? Angelus pouted.


Buffy isn't the type to go for pain. Angel kept his conversation with his other half in his head as he walked out of the kitchen.


Hell no! She'd beat us to death! A chuckle. And you have your mind in the gutter. All I said was we needed a few normal items for adult sexual pleasure.


You sound like an ad for one of those 900 numbers. Hi, I’m Angelus, push 2 if you’re horny and desperate. Angel mocked.


I could make some serious money doing that. If I needed money.


I need a nap. Pushing open the door to Buffy’s room, Angel got into bed and pulled the thick velvet comforter up over himself.


The pig is looking at me.


The pig is stuffed, and you’re locked in a box. He closed his eyes. The room was dim, thanks to the heavy curtains Buffy had put up, and he pulled her pillow under his head.


I’m telling you, the pig is evil. Angelus said. He wants Buffy for himself.


Go to sleep. Breathing in her soft scent, he took his own advice.


I’m watching you, Mr. Gordo.





“So there’s rose petals across the bed?”


“Across the bed, all over the floor, in the hot tub.” Lorne took a sip of his drink. “I’m telling you, it looks like the rose parade parked in there.”


“And satin sheets?” Dawn giggled.


“As red as your cheeks, ladybug.” He chuckled.


“I’ll bet right now they’re laying across the bed and sipping champagne.” Willow sighed. “Maybe eating some of the sugared grapes.”


“I’m sure they are.” He’d trade his horns for an extra nose if those two were doing anything other than getting in each other’s pants. Wonder if they made it through the door?





They made it through the door. Barely. Angel lifted Buffy up and pinned her to the wall with his body. His hands slid along her legs where they wrapped around his hips. Once under her skirt, he was dismayed to find panties.


Panties? She knew we were coming here to fuck!


“Panties?” It came out in an anguished gasp.


“Panties?” She moaned. “Oh! Pretty panties – bought them for you!”


For me? Only if they’re crotchless!


Buffy pulled her skirt up so he could see the shockingly pink pantalets she was wearing. “See?”


“Pretty.” He did like the vivid color, and the lace covered her just enough to tease. Only he didn’t want teasing right now.


“I bought two pairs.” An impish grin as she hooked her fingers into the waistband and pulled.


Angel gripped the offered material in both hands and pulled it carefully apart.


Will you come on? Just fucking rip them off!


I don’t want to bruise her. The panties cooperated by ripping nicely down the middle, revealing the dark honey colored curls to him.


Are you serious? Angelus gave him a mental smack. If we’re not both covered with bruises by the end of the night, we’re not doing it right!


The panties tore far enough for him to slide his fingers along the delicate outer lips. She was already wet, and he pushed two fingers inside of her.


Enough with the finger banging! We’ve done that!


Shut up! He wouldn’t admit it, but Angel agreed with his inner demon for once. He and Buffy had had enough foreplay to last a lifetime. Pulling his fingers from her warmth, he reached for the buttons on his pants, but found she’d beaten him there.


The buttons popped and fell to the floor as Buffy tore open the fly of his pants. “Need you. Need you now.”


“Me too.” As his pants slid down around his ankles, he guided the head of his cock to the wet opening. “Look at me.”


Will you just stick it in? Angelus moaned. I’m dying here!


He wanted to see her face, that was something he’d decided on long ago. Wanted to see the joy and wonder. Not that it would be the same as it was the night she'd been a virgin, but after being denied for so long, Angel wanted to look into her eyes as they completed each other once again.


Whatever… just fuck her! A loud, frustrated snarl. Get romantic later!


“Angel…” Buffy tightened her legs about him and wiggled. “Now…”


Biting his lip and hanging onto control by a wisp, Angel pushed himself slowly inside of her. Her eyes widened and her lips parted in a soft gasp. He smiled as she clutched at his shoulders to pull him closer. “Want it all, lass?”


“Yes – yes!” Her head lolled back against the wall as he pushed his cock into her as far as he could. “Oh that’s so good… Angel…”


That was the end of his control, and he began pumping hard into her. His hands cupped her ass to pull her to meet each stroke. Crushing her against the wall, Angel buried himself to the hilt in the wonderfully tight heat before pulling out and slamming back in once again.


Buffy locked her arms around his shoulders and hung on, whimpering into his mouth as the thick cock warmed within her. Her only experience with Angel had been gentle, but this time he was urgent and desperate. That suited her fine – she had waited too long to be gentle.


Their mouths slid and smashed across each other, tongues shoving and pushing, teeth nipping and biting. Buffy was forced to break away for air, panting against Angel’s cheek and nipping at his ear as his mouth moved down her throat.


“Angel – Angel – “ He was hot within her now, sparks shuddering through her body from where his cock slid in and out. Sparks – flames – an inferno burst inside of her.


A soft sigh in his ear was his only warning. Buffy’s body went taut, her legs tightening around his hips, and her inner walls clamping down on his cock. “Sweet Jes – “


His knees wobbled, and it was all Angel could do to keep the two of them from sliding down the wall. Muscles, the girl had muscles like no other woman he’d ever had. It took Angel a moment to find his rhythm again, pounding her against the wall as those wonderful muscles squeezed and gripped him.


Buffy was in a bubble of calm, a moment’s rest after the explosions. Angel had his face buried in her throat, nipping and biting hard enough that she knew he was leaving marks. He hadn’t drawn blood yet, but the night was young. She shivered.


He was grunting and growling as he thrust into her, moving with hard, urgent strokes. Threading her fingers into the soft, dark hair, she rubbed her other hand up and down his back. “Come on, baby…”


A snarled word caught her attention. Shut up? Buffy frowned. She was quiet. Unlike some people she could name, all grunty and growly. It hit her. Angelus. He must be bothering Angel.


“Angelus, shh…” Wrapping her arms around his shoulders again, she nuzzled Angel’s ear. “I love you. I love you both.”


She wanted to tell him more, offer more comfort, but he was still hitting all the right places and those wonderful sparks were shooting out again. “More – more – “


Angelus was growling and snarling in his head, rebounding the sensations back to him until Angel thought he was going to go crazy. “Shut – up – “


This was the first time Angelus had done more than lay back and soak up the sexual sensations. Now he was pushing at the boundaries of the box, stretching the length of his chains trying to feel as much of Buffy as he could.


Up his thighs and through his belly, fire ate down the length of his cock until Angel was certain his balls would explode. Buffy’s body arched against his and that soft little sigh floated past his ear again. “No – Buffy – not – yet – “


Desperately, he tried to force down his own climax, but it was too late, her muscles clenched ruthlessly down on him once again. It was too much, and with a final hard push, Angel buried himself inside of her as his seed gushed out to cool them.


“Oh… God… Angel…”


Okay, slide down the wall? Set her down? Or try to walk to the bed?


Pants – ankles –


Damn. “Buffy – baby?”  He kissed her sweaty temple. “Baby, I need to let you down.”


“’Kay – “ She licked at her dry lips, groaning as she unlocked her legs from around him.


Angel let Buffy slide down his body, carefully holding her until her feet touched the floor. They both groaned as his cock slipped from her body.


“Don’t let go.” Her thighs trembled all the way down to her ankles.


“I was going to carry you to the bed.” His arms went back around her waist to steady her.


“That’d be nice.” Snuggling into his chest, Buffy slid a finger down the slick length of his cock. It was still hard and jumped at her touch. “Like in the romance books.”


“Do they trip over their pants and fall down in those books?” Angel’s tongue licked along her throat, tasting the rhythm of her blood just below the soft skin. He nipped at the scar there; it had faded somewhat with time, but it would forever mark her as his.


“Not unless it’s funny.” Looking up at him, she grinned. “Real life never shows up unless it’s funny.”


After a quick kiss to her pink, swollen lips, Angel reached down and pulled his pants back up. One lonely button had escaped the massacre, and he buttoned it into the closest button hole. “Falling on the floor isn’t what I had in mind.”


Not unless we fall and end up inside of her.


Buffy sighed, tucking her head under his chin in her spot as Angel picked her up. Her spot. My spot! Nuzzling the cool skin, she breathed in his earthy scent. Earthy and vanilla now. She was rubbed all over him.


That was a good start. Angelus purred. What’s next?


Ignoring his demon, Angel set Buffy on the bed. Rose petals were strewn over the bedspread and he picked one up to brush over her cheek.


“Let me take these off.” She lifted her hips and pushed off what was left of her panties. “Smart shopper Buffy got these on sale, luckily.”


We need to give her a panty allowance.


Oh yeah… He watched with avid interest as Buffy pulled off the low cut top she was wearing. Underneath was a bra of the same fluorescent pink lace as her pantalets. A big fat panty allowance…


Whoa, baby!




Anything he said would come out in caveman like grunts, and so Angel settled for nodding like the village idiot. The satin cups pushed Buffy’s breasts up and together, but hot pink lace covered most of what he wanted to see. He loved it.


Pushing her back on the bed, he crouched between her thighs and ran his fingers over the lace, tucking them down into the warm valley between her breasts. Angel nuzzled along the lace and satin, finding a hard nipple just below where the two met.


Buffy grinned and stroked her fingers through his hair as he licked and kissed across the bra. Angel liked to be teased a bit, liked to uncover what was hiding beneath the pretty colors and soft fabrics. He tugged at the lace with his teeth and she giggled. “I usually think of you as a big cat, you know.”


“And now?” He slid his tongue under the lace to lap at the warm skin.


“A big puppy.”


I like the cat comparison better. The demon huffed. Dogs have fleas.


Angel buried his face in between the soft mounds and growled until she giggled again.



The Finale